Sunday, February 7, 2010

Up(date) Yours

This week I got the video done. I was gonna post it up here, but I'm going to show you all in class on Tuesday, and I don't want to ruin the surprise. (That is, I want y'all to save up your vomit.) I was initially worried about the quantity of footage I was going to be able to squeeze from the documentary (I spent the last 2 weeks downloading every episode on rapidshare). Miraculously, after I had already set a time limit of 3' on the piece (I'm not sure people could handle much more), I discovered that after stripping down all the unnecessary footage I was left with exactly 3:01. Perfect.

All I have left to do is finish the max patch (which is half done), get some costumes for chris and elyse (I'm thinking of asking them what clothes they already have in grey), and do a test run. I also want to add a prerecorded part to the piece, which would play while they drink. Maybe just some white noise mixed with the sound of the gulping.


  1. would the white noise take away from the gulping and gross sounds of eating? would it play throughout the whole piece? increase at certain points?

  2. The footage does have a nausea inducing quality combined with sound elements, it may require a warning and air sickness bags...
