Sunday, January 24, 2010

I no longer love the color of your sweater

Laurie Anderson makes art. Laurie Anderson needs media technology to make her art. Laurie Anderson's art often comments on human dependency on media technology. My critique is also apparently dependent on IT. It's impossible to know how to use all of IT, yet we use IT everyday. Sculptors know marble and wood and metal. Laurie Anderson attempts to know IT. She's got a valiant mission.

More practically, I was thinking about how I don't even know how to fix my breaking down car. Or my computer, for that matter. Two hundred years ago, if your horse and cart broke, you could probably fix the cart yourself. Maybe that's not true. But I feel a bigger and bigger divide between the consuming public and the able consuming public. Maybe it's because there's just too much to try and keep track of technology-wise.

Less practically, I was thinking about how Laurie Anderson uses her hands in her art. It's like she's making another character on stage..."it's not me who's doing these actions, it's this hand."
It reminds me of David Byrne, a similar artist from a similar time. The video I'm thinking of ("Once in a Lifetime" from Stop Making Sense) was pulled from YouTube. So just watch this for fun:


  1. I found very interesting that she talked about anti-technology all the time, while her art was about human dependency on media technology.

  2. All that irony. How does it read in the 21st century?
